its time to narrate the story of the DV - field.
the objective is to implicate the social phenomena of human interaction in the culture of a networked society
user A enters the field and get assigned with a DV
lets say DV1 that now senses its presence - get activated - orientate itself towards the user and blinks on/off lights
user A enters the DV - takes its position - now DV1 becomes a human console for the user A
before the actual communication takes place - user A is asked a series of questions and the input data is used to match the user to anothr user in the field lets say user B
the MATCH gives the two users physical proximity - that is the DVs move towards each other - and the users can feel the physical presence through the translucent skin of the DV (or the console)
now the actual communication takes place - the DVs are shared like a remote desktop - the matched users work together to create a message or collage -
as they are working - more users get matched up and join - so they may end up working in a crowd - still discrete in their own shells.
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